Why Doesn’t BLNA call Dr Hamer’s work GNM or GHK?

There is a lot of controversy over the naming of Dr Hamer’s discoveries, some with copyrights in place to protect his work from plagiarism. To our understanding in the BLNA, Germanische Heilkunde was chosen by Dr Hamer for his German work and German New Medicine (GNM) for his English translations.

There are a lot of differences of opinion regarding this with staunch advocates of both GNM and Germanische Heilkunde, which many have shortened to GHK. Many argue that Germanische Heilkunde replaced German New Medicine, calling everything else plagiarism. However many claim that Dr Hamer purposefully chose Germanische Heilkunde as it does not have a direct English translation, and is therefore intended for use for his work in German only.

Controversies such as this has inadvertently and unintentionally led to further suppression of the knowledge. This has very unfortunately led to tighter control and division amongst advocates of the Biological Laws, particularly by those considered to be guardians of Dr Hamer’s legacy. At the BLNA, we appreciate this action is simply honouring Dr Hamer and preventing those who seek to plagiarise.

While Dr Hamer doesn’t ‘own’ the Biological Laws, just as Isaac Newton doesn’t own gravity, it is only right that he is acknowledged as the first to discover these Laws and set them out in detail. It is only right that his work is acknowledged as a whole, and not cherry-picked from to shoehorn into other modalities or beliefs. It is only right that any practice or teaching is with high integrity, being in true alignment with ALL the Laws. It is only right that Dr Hamer’s discoveries are duly acknowledged and accepted with the burden of proof on others to prove that it doesn’t stand up to scrutiny, rather than simply attack and dismiss it.

The basis of Dr Hamer’s work are the Five Biological Laws of Nature. It is the principles of these Laws that are used as a foundation for work, promotion and teaching. Therefore, BLNA acknowledges the essence of Dr Hamer’s work, this being these Biological Laws. This makes it accessible to all, despite their beliefs or knowledge on the branding of this important work.

By referring to Dr Hamer’s work as the Biological Laws of Nature, the BLNA’s intention is to honour the discoveries and not the controversy, and to facilitate a more open and unified front to allow the lifting of the suppression of these important discoveries.

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