Membership Benefits for Professionals

Biological Laws of Nature Advocates (BLNA) is a Private Membership Association (PMA). For more about PMAs, see Why a Private Membership Association?

How can a PMA Protect GNM/GHK Practitioners, Therapists and Advocates?

1. Freedom from Public Jurisdiction and Regulations

Public vs. Private Domain:
When operating within the public domain, GNM/GHK-aligned therapists and practitioners are subject to the same laws and regulations as licensed medical professionals. This includes medical licensing, malpractice laws, and other public health regulations. In contrast, a PMA like the BLNA operates in the private domain, meaning it is governed by private contracts between members rather than by public law.

This allows GNM/GHK-aligned therapists and practitioners to provide their services to consenting members of the PMA without being subject to the same regulatory oversight as a public practice. As long as practitioners make it clear that they are offering services to private members under the terms of the PMA, they are generally not required to adhere to public regulations that apply to conventional medical practices.

2. Protection from Medical Licensing Requirements

Avoiding Licensing Risks:
Many GNM/GHK-aligned therapists and practitioners are not licensed medical professionals, which can put them at risk of being accused of practicing medicine without a licence. This is a common issue faced by practitioners of natural or alternative therapies that are not recognised by the medical establishment.

By forming a PMA through joining the BLNA, GNM/GHK-aligned therapists and practitioners can provide services under the protection of a private contract. In a PMA, the services offered are viewed as private, contractual agreements between consenting adults. As long as the BLNA makes it clear that the services provided are educational, advisory, or holistic in nature (rather than medical diagnoses or treatments), practitioners can avoid the risks associated with practicing medicine without a licence.

3. Member Consent and Understanding

Informed Consent:
Within the BLNA, members (clients/students) voluntarily join the association and agree to the terms and services provided by professional members who are GNM/GHK-aligned therapists and practitioners. This framework operates on the principle of informed consent. Members (clients/students) are made aware that they are receiving alternative services based on GNM/GHK’s Biological Laws of Nature, and they willingly enter into the private contract, understanding that these services fall outside of mainstream medical treatment.

By clearly outlining the nature of the services and ensuring members consent to them, GNM/GHK-aligned therapists and practitioners can reduce the risk of legal disputes or claims of malpractice. The private agreement ensures that both parties—the therapist/practitioner and the member (client/student)—acknowledge the non-medical, alternative nature of the services being provided.

4. Legal Defense in Case of Disputes

Private Law Protections:
If a legal dispute arises, the BLNA can assert that it operates under private law rather than public law. Because the association is built on private contracts, it can argue that the services provided are not subject to the same legal standards as public medical practices.

For example, if a GNM/GHK-aligned therapist or practitioner is accused of practising medicine without a licence, the PMA can argue that the services were provided within a private contractual agreement and not offered to the public. This distinction can protect practitioners from regulatory enforcement or penalties, as long as the PMA operates within its private framework and adheres to its governing contract.

5. Confidentiality and Privacy Protections

Ensuring Member Privacy:
A key benefit of the BLNA operating as a PMA is the enhanced privacy for both GNM/GHK-aligned therapists/practitioners and members (clients/students). In the public domain, medical practitioners are required to maintain detailed patient records that may be subject to scrutiny by licensing boards or regulatory agencies. However, in a PMA, the private nature of the association means that interactions between therapists/practitioners and members are confidential and protected by the private contract.

This allows GNM/GHK-aligned therapists and practitioners to work in a secure and confidential environment, without the fear of government or third-party interference in their practice. Members (clients/students), are also assured that their health information and discussions within the PMA remain private.

6. Ability to Operate Without Interference

Autonomy in Practice:
The BLNA, as a PMA, grants GNM/GHK-aligned therapists and practitioners the freedom to operate without interference from public health authorities, medical boards, or other regulatory bodies. By clearly defining the services offered as educational or advisory rather than medical, the BLNA enables GNM/GHK-aligned therapists and practitioners to continue applying GNM/GHK principles without fear of legal action.

This autonomy allows GNM/GHK-aligned therapists and practitioners to focus on delivering alternative health services aligned with the Biological Laws of Nature, supporting members (clients/students) in emotional conflict resolution and holistic healing without the constraints imposed by public health regulations.

In summary, a PMA, such as Biological Laws of Nature Advocates (BLNA), can provide vital protection for GNM/GHK-aligned therapists and practitioners by allowing them to operate within a private, contract-based framework. This legal structure offers freedom from public regulations, protection from medical licensing requirements, and confidentiality for both therapists/practitioners and members (clients/students). By establishing clear membership agreements and ensuring informed consent, the BLNA can safeguard the practice of GNM/GHK, allowing therapists/practitioners to continue their work in a secure and supportive environment.

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