Membership Levels

The Biological Laws of Nature Advocates (BLNA) is a Private Member’s Association (PMA). You can read more about this in How BLNA Works and Why a PMA?

You can join the BLNA either at a Professional level (Practitioner Member or Advocate Member), or Non-Professional level (Supporter Member or Associate Member). All membership types are explained below.

Membership fees are paid quarterly or annually in January. Pro rata memberships are available (to the nearest quarter, rounded up).

Read about general Membership Benefits below, or skip to Types of Membership.

General Membership Benefits

General membership benefits for paying members are (* indicates benefits for the Professional membership levels only):

  • Protection:
    • Protection under PMA jurisdiction
    • Legally-worded disclaimers for use on websites, articles and groups*
    • Additional protection is available if you opt to be a citizen of Glamorgannwg Micronation (also separate jurisdiction outside of UK)
  • Recognition:
    • Use of BLNA membership seal/logo for display to inform others of your alignment to the Biological Laws*
  • Community:
    • Social Media group access
    • Annual meeting/conference
    • Regular Zoom meetings
    • Special Prices for public events
  • Resources:
    • Access to articles and member contributions
    • Access to open-sourced images and diagrams*
    • Video library
    • Case study library
  • Advocacy:
    • Advocacy of the Laws such as contributing to the following:
      • Advocacy resources
      • Advocacy representation at local, organisational and national levels
      • Public Awareness Campaigns
  • Opportunities:
    • Members are encouraged to submit contributions to the resource libraries
    • Members are encouraged to instigate, become involved and contribute to Advocacy of the Laws
    • Participate in volunteer opportunities within the association or in community outreach programs, giving back to the profession and those in need.
    • Leadership Roles: Take on leadership roles within the association (via election), such as serving on committees or the board, to influence the direction of the profession and gain valuable leadership experience.
    • Be a part of shaping our innovative, growing resource and community to benefit all of humanity

More detailed information on the benefits of a Private Membership Association (PMA) can be found here: Benefits for Professionals and Benefits for Clients.

Types of Membership

Membership levels are broken down by Professional memberships (Practitioner Member and Advocate Member) and Non-Professional memberships (Supporter Member and Associate Member).

Professional memberships

Professional-level Members of the BLNA receive disclaimers and instructions on how you can practice your therapy under your own PMA, and the BLNA umbrella. Membership of the PMA brings you into the jurisdiction of the BLNA, on the condition that you are abiding by the Code of Conduct and conditions of membership.

In addition, the BLNA disclaimers and wording you receive will automatically make your clients, workshop and talk participants Associate Members of BLNA, and you will be provided with information you can pass on to them to explain that the PMA operates outside of statute legislation. You will also be able to use the BLNA logo in your published materials.

The PMA model legally ensures that responsibility is held by the client, student or attendee as an autonomous being, that members are not a replacement for medical professionals, and that all information is given for educational purposes.

There are two Professional Membership levels – Practitioner and Advocate:

Practitioner Member (Professional)

Suitable for:

  • Therapists, Counsellors and Practitioners who share, teach or use GNM principles.
  • Certified Workshop Leaders, Event Organisers and Presenters of GNM.
  • Professionals who require qualifications and insurance to practice and who actively share, teach or use information about GNM.

Benefits (in addition to the general benefits):

  • Licence to use BLNA Practitioner membership logo on your website and literature (while membership is active).
  • Certificate of alignment with BLNA Code of Conduct.
  • Inclusion in our Professional’s Directory.
  • Podcast/Zoom interview for advertising your services and describing how you work with the Laws.
  • BLNA Disclaimer wording and other wording and templates for use on literature, websites and events, including client health form templates.
  • Instructions and guidance articles on topics including practising GNM legally and protecting yourself, and converting a business model into a PMA.
  • Priority BLNA Support and Guidance with our advisors.


  • Annual fee: £ (payable in January)
  • Quarterly fee: £ (payable in January, April, July, October)
  • Pro rata fee is rounded up to current quarterly fee.

Read Code of Conduct (Professional Members)

Advocate Member (Professional)

Suitable for:

  • GNM Workshop Leaders, Event Organisers and Presenters.
  • Online Videocasters, Website owners and Advocates of GNM.
  • Anyone actively sharing or teaching information about GNM (but not a Therapist, Practitioner or Counsellor requiring qualifications and insurance to practice).

Benefits (in addition to the general benefits):

  • Licence to use BLNA Advocate membership logo on your website and literature (while membership is active).
  • Certificate of alignment with BLNA Code of Conduct.
  • Inclusion in our Professional’s Directory.
  • Podcast/Zoom interview for advertising your services.
  • BLNA Disclaimer wording and other wording and templates for use on literature, websites and events.
  • Instructions and guidance articles on topics including practising GNM legally and protecting yourself, and converting a business model into a PMA.
  • Priority BLNA Support and Guidance with our advisors.


  • Annual fee: £ (payable in January)
  • Quarterly fee: £ (payable in January, April, July, October)
  • Pro rata fee is rounded up to current quarterly fee.

Read Code of Conduct (Professional Members)

Non-Professional memberships

Supporter-level Members of the BLNA can use the BLNA Supporter logo for their websites or social media platforms, to show their support for this important cause. This level is for primarily for supporting the BLNA’s aims and actions, its members and GNM/GHK.

Associate Members are temporary members by association with a BLNA-registered therapist, practitioner or presenter. They have temporary protection under the BLNA whilst attending therapy and/or workshops, or viewing content published by BLNA Professional members.

There are two Non-Professional Membership levels – Supporter and Associate:

Supporter Member (Non-Professional)

Suitable for:

  • Anyone who wants to support the aims and actions of BLNA, its members and GNM, such as hosts of online groups that share or publish introductory information about GNM, researchers, students and general advocates of GNM.

Benefits (in addition to the general benefits):

  • Licence to use BLNA Supporter membership logo on your website and literature (while membership is active).


  • Annual fee: £ (payable in January)
  • Quarterly fee: £ (payable in January, April, July, October)
  • Pro rata fee is rounded up to current quarterly fee.

Read Code of Conduct (Non-Professional Members)

Associate Member (Non-Professional)

Suitable for:

  • Associate Members are temporary members by association with a BLNA-registered therapist, practitioner or presenter.
  • Your BLNA membership is only active while attending, viewing, paying or donating for a therapy, consultation, talk or workshop session offered by a BLNA Professional member, via a disclaimer and agreement that is signed beforehand.


  • Protection via the BLNA Codes of Conduct, which all Practitioner, Advocate and Supporter members must adhere to when offering therapy, consultations, talks or workshop sessions about GNM.


  • There are no fees to become an Associate Member
  • There may be separate fees payable for any appointment, workshop or event you are attending

You do not need to apply for Associate membership

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