Thank you so much for applying for membership of the Biological Laws of Nature Advocates!
(If you’ve not yet applied, please do so here first).
Next Steps
As you may be aware, this is a brand new project in the process of being set up, and it may take a while for it to grow to its fullest potential.
Consequently, we are accepting members at Supporter level only (for now), meaning you can contribute any amount on a monthly basis to support the costs involved in setting up the BLNA, and use the Supporter badge if you wish to (we recommend a minimum donation of £5 per month).
Once our more comprehensive membership packages are available, we will contact all Supporters with options for upgrading your membership and receiving all the benefits!
We will be setting up social media soon, but for the time being, we’ll keep you posted regularly by email.
Payment/Donation Details
Please use the following details to set up a monthly standing order payment or make a one-off donation for your Supporter subscription:
Bank: Zempler Bank
Sort code: 08-71-99
Account number: 12759716
Account name: BLNA
Please make sure you put the name you used to register your membership into the reference field of the payment. Please note: while trying to set up your payment, you may get a message that the details do not match or cannot be verified. This is because the full name on the account is Biological Laws of Nature Advocates, which is usually too long for the account name field, but as long as the sort code and account number are correct, it should be accepted.
We intend to eventually streamline the application and payments/donations process. We are always grateful for any feedback or comments about your experience, which will help us make it as user-friendly as possible.
As soon as you’ve set up/made your donation, please email us with your full name and email address you used to apply for membership.
We will then process your application, during which we may need to contact you if we have any queries. We look forward to welcoming you as a Supporter member soon. You will receive an email to confirm this.
Until your BLNA membership has been officially confirmed, please do not claim membership or use any of our logos/materials on any of your platforms or published materials.
You are able to login into the My Account area anytime to update your details.
Thank you again – we are very excited about this project, and we appreciate your patience while it is in its infancy!