What are the Challenges with Practising GNM/GHK?

The Challenges of Working with German New Medicine (the Biological Laws) and Possible Solutions

The Biological Laws of Nature as discovered by Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, also known as German New Medicine (GNM) and Germanische Heilkunde (GHK) offers a unique perspective on the origins of disease, providing scientific evidence that shows how unresolved emotional and psychological conflicts are the root cause of most physical ailments. While the Biological Laws present a transformative approach to healing, it also comes with several challenges for both practitioners and clients. This article outlines some of the key issues associated with the Biological Laws and offers possible solutions for overcoming these obstacles.

1. Lack of Conventional Scientific Validation?

One of the main criticisms of the Biological Laws is the claim that there is a lack of widespread scientific validation. Most of modern medicine is based on evidence obtained through controlled studies, peer-reviewed research, and clinical trials. While GNM/GHK is no different, it has not been widely accepted by mainstream medical research, and as such has received a lot of suppression. As mainstream medical science has progressed further along an opposing to path to the Biological Laws with its acceptance of using unproven theories (hypotheses) to build more research upon, it has resulted in the Biological Laws becoming increasingly controversial as it is so far removed from what is accepted and believed to be ‘settled science’.


  • Integrative Approach: working with the Biological Laws does not exclude any other therapy, modality or treatment, but decisions are based upon the wisdom of the Laws. Therefore, clients can benefit from an integrative approach that allows them to explore emotional healing as well as receiving treatment and care from a doctor, therapist or practitioner. With a knowledge of the Laws, therapies and treatments can be used wisely in a supportive way to the body’s natural process, and this can lead to beneficial outcomes.
  • Case Documentation: Practitioners should document their cases rigorously, collecting data on how emotional conflict resolution has impacted physical symptoms. Over time, this could help create a body of evidence to support GNM/GHK’s principles.

2. Difficulties in Identifying Psychological Conflicts

One of the cornerstones of the Biological Laws is identifying the specific emotional conflicts that are causing physical symptoms. While it is often obvious to a client what traumatic event triggered their symptoms, conflicts can be buried in the subconscious, and clients may have difficulty recognising or admitting to certain emotional struggles.


  • Therapeutic Support: A GNM/GHK practitioner or therapist who works with the foundation of the Laws will have experience of identifying emotional trauma due to a deep understanding of biological thinking. It is useful for GNM/GHK practitioners to have some training in life coaching, counselling or other talking therapy skills to assist the client in realising their conflicts and offering help with conflict resolution.
  • Journaling and Reflection: Clients are encouraged to engage in regular journaling and self-reflection can aid them in identifying their emotional triggers. Meditation and mindfulness practices can also help people become more attuned to their emotions and internal conflicts.
  • Gradual Exploration: Conflicts may not be resolved immediately. A client-centred, gradual exploration of life events, family dynamics, and personal history can often reveal the conflicts over time.

3. Patient Resistance or Skepticism

Many patients, especially those ingrained in traditional medical paradigms, may find it difficult to accept the Biological Laws’ core principles. The idea that physical disease is a manifestation of unresolved emotional issues may seem unconventional or even offensive to some patients, particularly if they are dealing with severe conditions such as cancer.


  • Education and Communication: professionals who work with GNM/GHK explain the principles of the Biological Laws in a way that is accessible and respectful to the client’s world view. Using clear, relatable examples can help patients understand the mind-body connection without feeling blamed for their condition.
  • Informed Choice: Clients may be encouraged to explore the Biological Laws as a complement to their existing medical treatment rather than as a replacement. This allows them to engage with the process while preventing feelings of pressure or defensiveness.
  • Incremental Integration: Rather than diving fully into the Biological Laws, a slow introduction to its ideas—such as exploring stress management, emotional health, or addressing specific emotional conflicts—can help clients warm up to the concept over time.

4. Complexity of GNM/GHK’s Biological Laws

GNM/GHK’s Five Biological Laws can be difficult to understand for those new to the system. These laws describe a complex relationship between emotional conflicts, brain activity and organ function, which can be overwhelming for clients to fully grasp, especially as it requires a completely new way of thinking.


  • Simplified Explanations: Professionals who work with GNM/GHK are encouraged to break down the Five Biological Laws into simpler, more digestible concepts can be more easily explained to clients, using metaphors or analogies to help comprehend the relationship between emotional conflict and physical disease.
  • Educational Resources: Clients can be provided with educational tools such as books, workshops or online courses that break down the Biological Laws into understandable segments. Visual aids and diagrams can also help clarify the brain-organ connection. The BLNA can assist with these resources.
  • Continued Learning: Practitioners are encouraged to undertake ongoing education and mentorship in the Biological Laws, especially when they are new to the practice. A deeper understanding of the laws will help more effective communication with their clients.

5. Fear of Symptom Recurrence During Healing

The Biological Laws explain that physical symptoms often arise or worsen during the healing phase, once a conflict has been resolved. This can be alarming for clients who might interpret a worsening condition as a sign of failure or disease progression. The fear of symptom recurrence or intensification can lead to anxiety and doubt about the the Biological Laws process.


  • Clients are prepared for the Healing Phase: professionals who work with GNM/GHK offer clear communication about the healing phase is crucial, informing clients that temporary intensification of symptoms is often a normal part of the healing process, not a sign that their condition is getting worse.
  • Support and Reassurance: professionals who work with GNM/GHK offer regular emotional support during the healing phase to alleviate client anxiety. Practitioners monitor the healing process closely, offering reassurance and practical tools for managing symptoms.
  • Mind-Body Practices: Clients are encouraged to use complementary mind-body practices like meditation, breathing exercises, or gentle movement to help them stay calm and centered during the healing phase.

6. Isolation from Mainstream Medical Community

The Biological Laws are considered unconventional, and many healthcare providers in the mainstream medical community are not familiar with its principles. This can lead to a sense of isolation for both practitioners and clients who choose to work with the Biological Laws, making it difficult to collaborate with conventional healthcare providers.


  • Fostering Dialogue: Practitioners of the Biological Laws can help bridge the gap by engaging in dialogue with medical professionals, promoting mutual understanding and respect. Offering to collaborate with conventional doctors on a client’s treatment plan can foster more integrated care.
  • Building Support Networks: Clients can be encouraged to seek care from a team of healthcare providers that includes both conventional and holistic practitioners. This integrative approach provides a broader support system and reduces the feeling of isolation.
  • Local and Online Communities: The BLNA provides online communities (and aiming for local communities) that provide support for practitioners and clients who practice with GNM/GHK. Sharing experiences, resources, and knowledge within these communities can strengthen the the Biological Laws network and reduce the sense of working in isolation.


While GNM/GHK offers a profound and holistic approach to healing, it is not without challenges. However, with thoughtful solutions—such as better communication, integrative approaches and client education, along with the BLNA network and resources, practitioners and clients can overcome these obstacles and unlock the full potential of the Biological Laws as a healing modality.

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