What are GNM and the Biological Laws of Nature: An Introduction

German New Medicine (GNM) is an alternative health philosophy that suggests that diseases, especially serious ones like cancer, are triggered by unresolved emotional conflicts or shocks, rather than just biological or environmental factors. Developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, this theory offers a paradigm shift from conventional medicine by viewing the body’s reactions as meaningful biological programs designed to assist in healing.

Origins of German New Medicine (GNM)

GNM was conceived by Dr. Hamer after a personal tragedy—the sudden death of his son in 1978. Soon after, Dr. Hamer himself was diagnosed with cancer. He speculated that the emotional shock of losing his son might have contributed to his cancer. This idea led him to develop GNM and its foundational principles, known as the Five Biological Laws of Nature. These laws are central to GNM’s approach, emphasizing that physical ailments are not random or solely caused by pathogens but are instead initiated by biological responses to intense emotional events.

The Five Biological Laws of Nature

At the heart of GNM are its Five Biological Laws, each of which seeks to explain how disease processes are initiated, evolve, and resolve. Here’s a summary of each law:

  1. The First Biological Law: The DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome)
    According to Dr. Hamer, disease begins with an unexpected emotional conflict or shock, which he terms a “DHS.” When a person experiences this kind of event, it triggers a response in both the psyche and the body. GNM proposes that this shock registers in a specific area of the brain, which then relays a message to a corresponding organ, leading to changes in the tissues or function of that organ.
  2. The Second Biological Law: The Two-Phase Process
    GNM asserts that diseases progress through two distinct phases: an active conflict phase and a healing phase. During the active conflict phase, a person experiences stress, and their sympathetic nervous system is highly engaged. This is when symptoms like weight loss, sleeplessness, and cold extremities might appear. Once the conflict is resolved, the body enters the healing phase, during which it works to restore normal function. However, this healing phase can sometimes be uncomfortable, causing symptoms like swelling, fever, and fatigue.
  3. The Third Biological Law: The Ontogenetic System of Tumors
    GNM categorizes diseases, particularly tumors, based on their embryonic origin, suggesting that different types of tissue respond to emotional conflicts in different ways. This law suggests that the body’s tissues will either grow, break down, or exhibit functional changes depending on the type of shock experienced.
  4. The Fourth Biological Law: The Role of Microbes
    Unlike traditional medicine, which often views microbes like bacteria and viruses as harmful invaders, GNM claims that microbes are essential for the healing process. Dr. Hamer suggested that these microorganisms only become active in the healing phase, helping to decompose or reconstruct tissues as needed.
  5. The Fifth Biological Law: The Quintessence
    This final law ties together the other four, emphasizing that all so-called diseases are meaningful biological programs that assist the individual in coping with a specific emotional conflict. According to this principle, the body does not malfunction randomly or “get sick” without cause; instead, it follows a predictable and purposeful biological response to emotional triggers.

How GNM Views Disease

In GNM, diseases are not seen as errors or dysfunctions of the body but as meaningful responses to life events. For example, GNM might interpret a lung tumor as the body’s way of adapting to a “fear of death” conflict, where the body believes it needs to expand its lung capacity to increase survival chances. In this sense, GNM focuses less on eradicating symptoms and more on understanding the emotional and psychological root causes behind them.

The Role of the Brain in GNM

One of GNM’s more controversial claims is the connection between specific emotional shocks and their impact on particular areas of the brain. GNM suggests that when someone experiences a DHS, it leaves a visible mark or “Hamerscher Herd” in the brain, which can be seen in a CT scan. This mark supposedly correlates with the organ that will show signs of disease.

According to GNM, healing only begins when the conflict is resolved emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. This perspective contrasts with conventional medical practices that often focus solely on the physical manifestations of disease.

Criticism and Controversy

Proponents of GNM argue that it offers a more holistic understanding of health, where emotional, mental, and physical aspects of illness are all considered part of a cohesive biological response. Many followers report personal success with GNM practices, claiming significant health improvements after addressing unresolved emotional conflicts.

Despite GNM’s unique approach, it is highly controversial and not widely accepted by the mainstream medical community. Critics argue that GNM lacks scientific validation and poses risks to patients who might delay conventional treatment in favor of addressing emotional conflicts. Some claim that because Dr. Hamer’s medical license was revoked and he faced legal challenges over his approach, this suggests GNM is merely a theory.

Body, Mind and Soul Healing

Nevertheless, German New Medicine presents a thought-provoking alternative to conventional medical paradigms by proposing that disease stems from unresolved emotional conflicts. Its Five Biological Laws emphasize that the body’s responses to these shocks are not random but part of a purposeful, biologically driven process aimed at healing. Though GNM remains controversial, it encourages a deeper consideration of the mind-body connection in the development and resolution of illness.

As with any medical approach, individuals should critically evaluate GNM alongside traditional medical advice to make informed choices about their health and well-being.

This article was summarised with kind permission from Danielle M Bryant, a holistic health therapist, author and researcher who promotes awareness of the 5 Biological Laws according to GNM. You can read the full version of her original article, “The Wisdom of German New Medicine” here.

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