Why is Dr Hamer’s Work Suppressed?

Why German New Medicine Faces Suppression

German New Medicine (GNM), also known as Germanische Heilkunde (GHK) was discovered by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer in the late 20th century. It presents a unique and radical departure from conventional medical approaches. GNM/GHK links diseases, particularly cancer, to unresolved emotional and psychological conflicts rather than to pathogens, genetic predisposition, or lifestyle factors alone. Despite its alternative approach and reported success stories, GNM/GHK has faced significant resistance, skepticism, and outright suppression from the mainstream medical establishment. This article explores some of the key reasons why GNM/GHK has been suppressed.

1. Challenges to the Established Medical Paradigm

Mainstream Medicine’s Biological Model:
Traditional medicine is built on well-established models that attribute diseases to pathogens (like bacteria and viruses), genetic factors, or physical damage to tissues. GNM/GHK, however, asserts that diseases stem primarily from emotional and psychological conflicts, radically shifting the focus from biology alone to a mind-body connection. This directly challenges the biomedical model, which is deeply entrenched in research, education, and clinical practice.

Impact on Pharmaceutical Industry:
GNM/GHK’s approach to treating disease by resolving emotional conflicts threatens the pharmaceutical industry, which generates billions of dollars annually from treatments and medications for chronic diseases. GNM/GHK suggests that healing comes from within and does not rely on drugs or invasive treatments, leading to resistance from an industry that profits from a more mechanistic view of illness.

2. Lack of Scientific Validation and Peer Review

Absence of Large-Scale Studies:
One of the primary reasons GNM/GHK is dismissed by mainstream medicine is the lack of large-scale, peer-reviewed scientific studies validating its principles. GNM/GHK’s theories, such as the idea that specific emotional conflicts lead to specific organ diseases, have not been rigorously tested through the kinds of controlled clinical trials that are standard in the medical field. Without this scientific validation, it is challenging for conventional medical professionals to accept GNM/GHK’s claims.

Dismissal by Medical Institutions:
Because GNM/GHK lacks widespread scientific backing, it is often labeled as “pseudoscience.” Medical boards, professional organizations, and academic institutions often distance themselves from practices that do not align with conventional medical research. This has contributed to GNM/GHK’s exclusion from medical discourse, further suppressing its growth and acceptance.

3. Dr. Hamer’s Controversial Reputation

Legal and Professional Battles:
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, the founder of GNM/GHK, has been involved in multiple legal and professional controversies, including being stripped of his medical license in 1986. His refusal to comply with conventional medical practices and his strong opposition to standard cancer treatments such as chemotherapy put him at odds with the medical establishment. These controversies, including allegations of malpractice, have contributed to GNM/GHK’s marginalized status.

Unorthodox and Confrontational Style:
Dr. Hamer’s confrontational approach toward the medical establishment and his criticism of conventional cancer treatments have also led to friction. His strong rejection of traditional methods, combined with the radical nature of his theories, has alienated him and his work from broader acceptance. Consequently, GNM/GHK is often suppressed because it is associated with a controversial figure whose public image has been damaged by legal and professional conflicts.

4. Economic and Institutional Interests

Profit-Driven Healthcare System:
Modern healthcare systems, particularly in the West, are heavily influenced by economic interests, including insurance companies, pharmaceutical firms, and healthcare providers who profit from the management of chronic illness. GNM/GHK, which advocates healing through resolving emotional conflicts rather than relying on prolonged medical treatments or medications, threatens this profit-driven model. The financial implications of adopting a system like GNM/GHK could disrupt industries built on long-term disease management rather than cure.

Institutional Inertia:
Large healthcare institutions are slow to adopt new methods that significantly deviate from established protocols. Institutional inertia—the tendency of organizations to resist significant changes—plays a role in the suppression of GNM/GHK. Medical schools, hospitals, and healthcare regulatory bodies are slow to incorporate new methods, particularly those that challenge their core teachings and operational models.

5. Fear of Patient Misinformation

Public Health Concerns:
One of the reasons GNM/GHK faces suppression is due to fears that it may mislead patients, particularly those suffering from serious illnesses like cancer. Critics argue that GNM/GHK’s rejection of conventional treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation could result in preventable deaths if patients rely solely on emotional conflict resolution without addressing the biological aspects of their disease.

Ethical Concerns:
Healthcare professionals are often concerned that GNM/GHK might offer false hope or deter patients from seeking life-saving interventions. This has led to a concerted effort by medical regulatory bodies and professional associations to limit its exposure and dissuade patients from abandoning traditional medical treatments.

6. Cognitive Dissonance in the Medical Field

Challenge to Medical Professionals:
For many medical professionals who have spent years studying and practicing within the framework of conventional medicine, GNM/GHK represents a cognitive dissonance—a stark contradiction to what they’ve learned and practiced. The idea that unresolved psychological conflicts could lead to serious diseases like cancer can be difficult to accept for those whose training has focused on biological and physical causes.

Fear of Losing Credibility:
Doctors and medical professionals who express interest in alternative theories like GNM/GHK risk losing credibility within their professional community. The medical field is tightly regulated, and diverging too far from established guidelines could result in reputational damage or even loss of licensure. As a result, there is an incentive to suppress approaches like GNM/GHK that deviate from conventional medicine.

7. Power Dynamics in the Medical Establishment

Control over Healthcare Narratives:
The medical establishment—comprising regulatory bodies, medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, and influential professionals—has significant control over what is accepted as valid medical practice. GNM/GHK’s holistic and conflict-based approach disrupts the conventional narrative of disease and treatment, which is predominantly focused on physical symptoms and pharmacological solutions.

Suppression of Alternative Practices:
Historically, alternative medical practices that challenge the dominant paradigm have faced suppression. Practices like homeopathy, acupuncture, and naturopathy were once dismissed or heavily regulated, despite some gaining acceptance over time. GNM/GHK faces similar suppression because it challenges the power dynamics and profit structures in place in modern healthcare.


German New Medicine’s suppression can be attributed to a combination of factors, including its challenge to the conventional medical paradigm, lack of scientific validation, the controversial reputation of its founder, and resistance from profit-driven industries. Moreover, ethical concerns, cognitive dissonance within the medical field, and the control exerted by the medical establishment over healthcare narratives contribute to its marginalization.

While GNM/GHK offers a novel and holistic approach to understanding disease, its suppression reflects the broader challenges faced by alternative medicine in a system driven by economic, institutional, and ideological forces. For GNM/GHK to gain wider acceptance, it will likely need to demonstrate its effectiveness through scientific validation and integrate more smoothly with conventional healthcare practices, offering a balanced approach to healing.

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